Seeking the Savior

Song of Solomon 3:1-4

Here we find a woman who desires to see her soon to be husband. The Bible tells us in verse 1 that she sought him yet found him not. Verses 2-3 tell us other places she looked yet found him not. It was somewhere in the quiet shadows where she found her fiancé. Verse 4 then tells us that she, in her excitement of finding him, refuses to let him go ever again.

Christmas was upon us and stores were jam packed with people. A mother with hands full of clothes turns to get her son and head to the checkout line. Instant panic strikes her and her heart drops as she frantically searches for her boy. She looks high and low yet there is no sight of her precious son. She begins to call out his name and ask others if they have seen him yet no one knows. Then a light bulb goes off and she jolts toward the toy section where she finds her son playing. The mom instantly grabs him up and says, “I’ll never let you go again!”

Just like this mother, we should feel the same way about the Holy Spirit. As in this story, He can be here and then gone if we are not careful to hold on to Him. He is sensitive and must be handled with much love and reverence. We must welcome Him into all areas of our life and hold on to Him with all of our might. He does not desire to withdraw from us but if left unattained He will become a distant part of us. If you have lost the touch of the Holy Ghost, allow me to encourage you just as with this mother and son to look where He is drawn. Seek Him in the Word of God, prayer, fasting, and church. It is a guarantee if you desire enough and use the right avenue you will find Him! Just like the mother, when you find Him do all you can to stay attached where He cannot be lost. Are you seeking Christ today? Are you looking in the right places?