Our Redemption Draweth Nigh

Matt. 24:6-7

Economic depressions, earthquakes in unusual places, tsunamis, violence everywhere, and moral corruption.  Regimes crumbling, leaders removed, nuclear threats, broken peace in the Middle East, and China presenting a one world currency. Ten years ago we would have never believed such a dark picture in the USA. But in 2011 we find ourselves pined up in the middle of such a dark hour. Yet, we find in the Bible here in chapter 24 the very prediction of such a day. With technological advancements we can now sit in our living rooms and watch disasters on the other side of the world.  As dark as it may be to the child of God we shouldn’t be depressed instead look up for your redemption draweth nigh. We are the generation that is seeing prophecy fulfilled like no other. I Thess. 4 is still true that we will be caught up (raptured out) and evermore be with our Savior. That day is soon coming!

Oh what excitement that will be yet we must remember the coming judgment on the faithfulness of our service as a Christian. A pastor friend tells of the time his grandson asked him wouldn’t you like to know when you would die. The grandpa said no way that would worry me. Well, I sure would grandpa because I wouldn’t show up. We laugh at this cute story but the truth is we live as if we will not show up for the rapture or death. Time is running out and I challenge you to be a witness and win souls for Christ. Will you commit today to make a difference for the cause of Christ?