“Being Prepared for Battle”

Daniel 2

Last week we looked at a young man with a purposeful heart to stay dedicated to the Lord. Allow me for just a moment to look at why this was important and paid off in the life of Daniel. We find here the king dreamed a dream, which he could not remember nor understand its meaning. Not a wise man within the king’s council could give an answer, and in a furry, the king decreed to kill all the wise men of the kingdom. This included Daniel and literally, his life was at stake.

David’s situation reminds me of the circuit-riding preacher Robert Sheffey who many thought spent too much time praying, not to mention a little over the top in serving the Lord. Yet, at the end of service one night, a young couple stood up in the church desperate as they realized their baby was deathly sick. This man of God held the child, praying just as he had done faithfully for years, and God extended mercy at the hand of this faithful servant, healing the child.

Just as with this example, David’s choice in chapter 1 gives him the power with God in chapter 2 to tell the king his dream and its meaning, which saves not only his life but his companions’ lives, as well. O, how we in our day must prepare ourselves, and choose wisely, for the morrow might hold the very battle of our life or of a loved ones life where we will desperately need the power of God. Will you prepare today that ye might be able to stand when that dark hour comes?

“A Purpose Driven Heart”

Daniel 1: 8- “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.”

What is the significance of a young man taking a stand against meat? Why was he so determined to keep the law while being in bondage? Was not everyone else going along with the lifestyle of Babylon? Allow me for just a moment to share the importance of this young man’s stand for the Lord.

As we study this book, you will find that every decision made determined whether they survived the next crisis in their bondage. Daniel’s stand for the Lord in chapter 1 produced an enabling from God to be 10 times greater than the mightiest man in Babylon. Could you imagine the amount of faith it took a teenager to make such a challenge to the very man who could have killed him? Just as with Daniel, we are living in a foreign country, bound down by sin. Yet just as Daniel purposed to keep the law of God, we must also purpose to keep the Word of God. Everyone else might be giving into the temptations of this foreign land, but dear friend, God has blessings and promotions for only those living with a purpose driven heart. Today, will you allow God to give you such a purpose driven heart?

From this miracle, Daniel received creditability within the empire. We will see next Friday why this is so significant.



Seeking the Savior

Song of Solomon 3:1-4

Here we find a woman who desires to see her soon to be husband. The Bible tells us in verse 1 that she sought him yet found him not. Verses 2-3 tell us other places she looked yet found him not. It was somewhere in the quiet shadows where she found her fiancé. Verse 4 then tells us that she, in her excitement of finding him, refuses to let him go ever again.

Christmas was upon us and stores were jam packed with people. A mother with hands full of clothes turns to get her son and head to the checkout line. Instant panic strikes her and her heart drops as she frantically searches for her boy. She looks high and low yet there is no sight of her precious son. She begins to call out his name and ask others if they have seen him yet no one knows. Then a light bulb goes off and she jolts toward the toy section where she finds her son playing. The mom instantly grabs him up and says, “I’ll never let you go again!”

Just like this mother, we should feel the same way about the Holy Spirit. As in this story, He can be here and then gone if we are not careful to hold on to Him. He is sensitive and must be handled with much love and reverence. We must welcome Him into all areas of our life and hold on to Him with all of our might. He does not desire to withdraw from us but if left unattained He will become a distant part of us. If you have lost the touch of the Holy Ghost, allow me to encourage you just as with this mother and son to look where He is drawn. Seek Him in the Word of God, prayer, fasting, and church. It is a guarantee if you desire enough and use the right avenue you will find Him! Just like the mother, when you find Him do all you can to stay attached where He cannot be lost. Are you seeking Christ today? Are you looking in the right places?

Forgiveness With A Price

Scripture: Psalms 51

Here in this passage we find the cry from David for forgiveness from his sin. Wow, to think a king, a man of power, and most of all a man after God’s own heart dealt with the same issue with sin as us. David decided to tarry behind when he was supposed to be at battle and Satan orchestrated a plan. Lust immediately consumed him and before sunset David had sinned and lost his fellowship with a holy God. Yet, after his sin was exposed he cried out for forgiveness and God forgave him.

In our lives it is true we sin daily but repeated acts of disobedience before God will cost you fellowship just as with David. As a Christian if you mess up there is forgiveness that God will draw from his well of grace and pour out on your life. The only reason David was left King and Saul lost his kingdom was because David knew how to repent.  Just as with David we should seek repentance not rise up in pride.

Allow me for a just a moment to share a principle within our devotion on forgiveness with you that has been lost in this generation.

While we can experience forgiveness it will always come with a price tag. David chose his sin but not his consequence. When we chose to act in disobedience there will always be a cost to our forgiveness. Yet it cost David four of his children. Let me encourage you to fear God and don’t place yourself in places where you will be like David paying some dear price for restored fellowship with God.

“A Servant’s Heart”

Power, wealth,  jobs, children, and ministries are just a few of the thousands of dreams each one of us possess. We are driven by our dreams and press trying to obtain our goals. No doubt dreams are a great tool in making us better people. God even wants to work big dreams into our thoughts and then bless us to obtain them. Dr. Jack Hyles said “If you cannot dream it then don’t worry about ever obtaining it.” I encourage every person to dream to the stars and set high goals for your life and family. Allow me to narrow the scope for a moment and look at how we can succeed at our dreams.

I Kings 19:20: “And he left the oxen, and ran after Elijah, and said, Let me, I pray thee, kiss my father and my mother, and then I will follow thee…” KJV

Elisha here gives us a great example to follow in order to accomplish our dreams. Elijah in verse 20 touches Elisha with the power of God which he never gets over. For the next 20 years he serves Elijah learning and paying the price that God might grant him such power.

2 Kings 3:11 “…Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat, which poured water on the hands of Elijah.” (KJV)

For 20 years the Bible says all he did was pour water on Elijah’s hands. In order to obtain your dreams you must first submit to the authorities over you and be a servant. This is no matter to take lightly but yet should be done with much faithfulness. The blessings of God will flow in direct proportion to how you serve.

1 Peter 5:6 “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:” (KJV)

Determine today to be a servant that God may exalt you in His sovereign time table. You can know if you are serving correctly by your response when treated as a servant. Will you allow God to create in you a servant’s heart in order for your future dreams to be present blessings?


Forgiveness With A Price

Psalms 51

Here in this passage we find the cry from David for forgiveness from his sin. Wow, to think a king, a man of power, and most of all a man after God’s own heart dealt with the same issue with sin as us. David decided to tarry behind when he was supposed to be at battle and Satan orchestrated a plan. Lust immediately consumed him and before sunset David had sinned and lost his fellowship with a holy God. Yet, after his sin was exposed he cried out for forgiveness and God forgave him.

In our lives it is true we sin daily but repeated acts of disobedience before God will cost you fellowship just as with David. As a Christian if you mess up there is forgiveness that God will draw from his well of grace and pour out on your life. The only reason David was left King and Saul lost his kingdom was because David knew how to repent.  Just as with David we should seek repentance not rise up in pride.

Allow me for a just a moment to share a principle within our devotion on forgiveness with you that has been lost in this generation.

While we can experience forgiveness it will always come with a price tag. David chose his sin but not his consequence. When we chose to act in disobedience there will always be a cost to our forgiveness. Yet it cost David four of his children. Let me encourage you to fear God and don’t place yourself in places where you will be like David paying some dear price for restored fellowship with God.



He Went All the Way

Scripture: John 19

The America as it was founded has been under attack for many years and now in 2011 we are seeing the destruction like never before. Traditional homes or better labeled Bible based homes are being destroyed and replaced with “Hollywood homes”. Music and entertainment are producing an environment of no rules just all out wild fun across the country. Morals almost appears as simply a thing of the past while the live as you want mentality is running wild. Yet in the middle of this lifestyle that the world labels fun why are so many hurting, depressed, addicted to substances, and suicidal? Why are millionaires and superstars unhappy and many killing themselves while possessing every pleasure imaginable at their fingertips?

Allow me for just a moment to submit to you the reason why so much brokenness is present in what is suppose to be the free and fun society. Every individual was created with a soul that has been perverted by the sin we are born into and commit. This causes us to strive in every way possible to fill the void. We try money, cars, houses, sex, power, pills, alcohol, drugs, etc yet while alone at night we can not shake this emptiness and we can not find the remedy for filling this void. Is there hope? Is there even anything out there that can fill this void?

There was one man who loved sinful empty people enough to pay the price. Our passage in John 19 tells us of Christ who went all the way for us some 2,000 years ago. He allowed His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, allowed them to torture and beat Him in Gabbatha, allowed them to crucify Him on Golgotha, and upon giving the ghost He was laid in the garden tomb. Why would anyone be willing to shed their blood, endure the most violent torture man could inflict, and lay down their life? Simply Christ loved you so much He was willing to go all the way that you could be redeemed and have life more abundantly! Are you desperate enough to believe on this Man Christ Jesus who died for you? You are living empty but you do not have to remain that way ask Jesus to save you and change your life this very day!

“He Went All the Way”

John 19

The America as it was founded has been under attack for many years and now in 2011 we are seeing the destruction like never before. Traditional homes or better labeled Bible based homes are being destroyed and replaced with “Hollywood homes”. Music and entertainment are producing an environment of no rules just all out wild fun across the country. Morals almost appears as simply a thing of the past while the live as you want mentality is running wild. Yet in the middle of this lifestyle that the world labels fun why are so many hurting, depressed, addicted to substances, and suicidal? Why are millionaires and superstars unhappy and many killing themselves while possessing every pleasure imaginable at their fingertips?

Allow me for just a moment to submit to you the reason why so much brokenness is present in what is suppose to be the free and fun society. Every individual was created with a soul that has been perverted by the sin we are born into and commit. This causes us to strive in every way possible to fill the void. We try money, cars, houses, sex, power, pills, alcohol, drugs, etc yet while alone at night we can not shake this emptiness and we can not find the remedy for filling this void. Is there hope? Is there even anything out there that can fill this void?

There was one man who loved sinful empty people enough to pay the price. Our passage in John 19 tells us of Christ who went all the way for us some 2,000 years ago. He allowed His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, allowed them to torture and beat Him in Gabbatha, allowed them to crucify Him on Golgotha, and upon giving the ghost He was laid in the garden tomb. Why would anyone be willing to shed their blood, endure the most violent torture man could inflict, and lay down their life? Simply Christ loved you so much He was willing to go all the way that you could be redeemed and have life more abundantly! Are you desperate enough to believe on this Man Christ Jesus who died for you? You are living empty but you do not have to remain that way ask Jesus to save you and change your life this very day!

“Conquering Our Circumstances”

Judges 11

Here we find a man by the name of Jephthah who was born into a mess and a childhood overshadowed by his label as a misfit. No doubt he must have felt depressed, alone, and unsure of his purpose in life. If that wasn’t enough burden on him after his father’s death as a young man he was kicked out of Gilead and stripped of his rightful part of his father’s inheritance. If there was a man who could excuse himself as simply a victim of his circumstances Jephthah would have fit that mold. Yet we do not find such a story here at all instead we see a man who rises above his past and leads an entire army to victory.

Just as Jephthah our past is filled with rough starts and shameful actions yet we do not have to allow these circumstances to dictate who are or who we become. Although our mind refuses to release our memories and devils refuse to stop tormenting our mind there is hope of living in victory. Victory is obtainable yet it will not come without a dear price paid in the following areas. You must be willing to forgive yourself. You can not place blame on yourself for things you was born into they are totally out of your control. Second, You must be willing to forgives others. Those who have done you wrong you must forgive otherwise daily these memories will eat away at your joy. Last, You must be willing to avoid excuses and focus on preparing for greatness. Jephthah wasn’t sitting around saying poor me yet instead we find him preparing for his destiny. Don’t allow yourself to miss your destiny due to a spirit of excuses instead of a spirit preparation. What spirit are you living in today?


“Now For a Little Space”

Ezra 9

Here we find the cry from the prophet of God who along with his people have lived in bondage. Due to their disobedience to God they have suffered hundreds of years of bondage. Yet, here in verse 8 we find God extending grace and giving the people a little space. Eighty years in the Holy Land seemed like a short time compared with the centuries of sufferings under the Assyrians and Babylonians. God not only extends a little space but he places a nail in His holy place and gives them a little reviving in their bondage.

Don’t we know such a bondage as well? All our lives even after salvation we live with the bondage of our sinful flesh. We daily desire to live holy yet we do things that shame the name of God. But, just as with the Israelites here God will extend us a little space of reviving in our bondage. How can we obtain such a reviving? I think of revival meetings, cottage prayer meetings, personal nights in prayer, etc down through the years where God has given His people such a renewing that although their problem wasn’t gone the load was lightened in such a way they could carry on with a fresh strength. In order to personally experience this we must be steadfast in prayer, and hunger to linger in the presence of God. Are you seeking a little reviving in your bondage or have you settled for living defeated under the load?